Greetings |
Since the company has been established in 1941, we have consistently supply industrial materials and products to contribute to the development of industries in Japan. The globalization of the economy in the recent years has caused the economic environment to undergo significant reforms. In other words, it is moving towards an environment, whereby importing raw materials and exporting a product has become a major business activity. Hence, it is highly important for us to keep up in the competitive market, by minimizing the production cost in order to sell it at a most favorable price. Our mother company is located in Kyoto prefecture of Japan. Kyoto has a long history and it is rich with traditional cultures. There are also many traditional products and assets nurtured by the climate and water. In recent years, many companies that originated from Kyoto, have been adopting the world and incorporating their good structures. We are determined to progress together with the fast-moving economy, to provide our products that are of good quality, with on-time delivery to serve our customer’s needs. |